Book an Appointment
Sessions can be in-person or online, though I find the in-person format more effective whenever it’s practical. I am not currently running any groups—only individual and/or family sessions.
If you cannot find an available appointment, please call me to work something out.
For new clients wanting substance abuse treatment, please schedule a long interview. The cost is $600 for the initial intake and interview, then $125 per session..
For people wanting to discuss a loved one’s addiction, please schedule a one-hour session. The cost is $125. No need for an initial assessment.
For those referred for a family law assessment: please schedule a long interview. The deposit to begin is $3500.
For Guardian ad Litem interviews: please schedule a long interview. The deposit to begin is $5000.
In all cases I need a filled-out intake form, which can be downloaded on the Links page. I’m not tech-savvy enough to make it fillable online (yet), so you’ll have to print it, fill it out by hand, and fax or email it back to me before the appointment or bring it with you to the first appointment. Or you can just do it on paper at the first appointment.