Eagle Harbor Counseling document downloads (all pdf):


Substance use disorder intake form

GAL intake form

  • If you print this, fill it out, and bring it to your first appointment or email it to me ahead of time, that will save time for more clinical work in the session, and in many cases will also save you money.

Release of Information: Releases for drug/alcohol records have to be filled out exactly right according to CFR 42 regulations. Treatment agencies cannot act on releases that don't meet all the criteria. If you want me to release information about you to anyone, even the legal system, please download and fill out the attached form and return it to me by post, email, or fax.

 Attorneys: Subpoenas do not meet the 42 CFR part 2 confidentiality requirements. Either the patient needs to sign a release or a court order must be produced.

Informational links:

How to access the King County Guardian ad Litem Registry: coming soon.

The Kitsap County Guardian ad Litem registry can be found here.

You can find the Behavioral Health Agencies Directory for Washington State here.

You can find my favorite addiction blog, Addiction Inbox, here. The author doesn't post anymore, but it's full of great information.

Newport Academy has a good blog about substance abuse and mental health issues for teens and their families here.

I like Science Direct for reliable research information. This link will take you to search results for “addiction,” but you can do any search you like.

Recovery Resource Links:

A searchable list of Alcoholics Anonymous support group meetings can be found here.

A searchable list of Refuge Recovery support group meetings can be found here.

A searchable list of Recovery Dharma support group meetings can be found here.

A list of SMART Recovery support group meetings can be found here.

The national 988 crisis line, open 24/7/365, can be found here.